kids 4 broadway |
age appropriate plays for children ages 7-17 Warm-Up Activities"I'm a fan of Viola Spolin's and have utilized many of her activities in my classes. They have been adapted by many different coaches, and like any teacher, I try to personalize each one with my own methods of getting the children excited, involved and focused.It's quite important that students become committed "to the moment". This means they must involve themselves in any stage activity on all levels - intellectually, intuitively and physically. Some games which help to develop these commitments include the following." BEAN BAG This exercise demonstrates to the children how important it is to project their voices. Place three bean bags in front of a row of children. One about 10 feet away from them - the second about 20 feet away, the third about 35-40 feet away (this can obviously be changed to suit the physicalenvironment of the class).
MIRROR EXERCISE Everyone should remember the old "I Love Lucy" series; a favorite of most folks is the episode when Lucy meets Harpo Marx. In one scene, Lucy has dressed exactly like Harpo; as the latter crosses a room, Lucy crosses it the same way. Harpo looks at his "reflection" and proceeds to physicalize these crazy movements with arms, hands, legs, etc. Lucy matches him, move for move. A very funny scene - and exceptionally well done. This is exactly the same premise for "The Mirror Exercise".
PANTOMIME The actors will work in groups of 4 - 6 and are instructed to pantomime a single general activity (examples: Playing different sports at school, performing with an orchestra, circus acts, hospital work, etc.) To communicate the idea of a GENERAL activity, each actor must pantomime a SPECIFIC one. For example: "Office work".
TUG OF WAR When I was growing up, there wasn't a kid on our block who hadn't played tugof war - it was a passage rite into the "Who's the strongest kid?"competition. In theatre tug of war, the same concept prevails - except there's no ropewhatsoever! The children play with a "space rope". This game can be played with two, four, six or eight players at a time.